Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lake Eola Fountain

Everyone always complements me on how well Mia poses for pictures all of the time! She is definitely a very photogenic monkey, however she doesn't always cooperate. We went to Lake Eola tonight - all I wanted was 1 picture of her with the fountain in the background (it just recently got fixed after being broken for years). Here's how a typical Mia photoshoot goes:

Alright, well she is getting hissed at by a swan, so at least she has an excuse

"Um, Mom, I think that swan is still looking at me!"

She looks super cute, she's just not looking at the camera

"I am so over this already Mom!"

Again, looking super cute, but Mia, look at the camera!!!

Drama Queen!

So close!

Finally!!!! Ahh, she's so cute :D

1 comment:

  1. you made me laugh! she IS cute - and she IS a drama queen too :) <3
